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Wind tunnel test study on the wind pressure coefficient of claddings of high-rise buildings

Yong QUAN, Yi LIANG, Fei WANG, Ming GU

《结构与土木工程前沿(英文)》 2011年 第5卷 第4期   页码 518-524 doi: 10.1007/s11709-011-0128-4

摘要: The area-averaged most unfavorable wind pressure coefficients (MUWPCs) on various regions of building surfaces and the influence of the side ratio and the terrain category were studied based on wind tunnel test data of scale models of typical high-rise buildings with rectangular cross-sections. The negative area-averaged MUWPCs in the middle-height edge areas generally increased with an increasing / side ratio. The area-averaged MUWPCs can be well fitted with a function of the average area reduced by the square of the building depth, . In addition, no unique pattern was found for the effect of the terrain category on the MUWPCs.

关键词: side ratio     area-averaged pressure coefficients     cladding     terrain category    

Numerical analysis of aerodynamic noise radiated from cross flow fan

CHEN Anbang, LI Song, HUANG Dongtao

《能源前沿(英文)》 2008年 第2卷 第4期   页码 443-447 doi: 10.1007/s11708-008-0063-9

摘要: The flow field in a cross flow fan was simulated by solving the 2-D unsteady Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations. The calculated pressure fluctuations of the blades, the vortex wall, and the rear wall were then used as noise sources to calculate the sound field. The Ffowcs Williams-Hawkings (FW-H) equation was employed to predict the noise field caused by these sources. The predictions show that the rear wall and the vortex wall sources contribute significantly to the total noise and that both the predicted aerodynamic performance and noise agree well with the experimental results.

关键词: predicted aerodynamic     Williams-Hawkings     calculated pressure     aerodynamic performance     unsteady Reynolds-averaged    

Experimental study of aerodynamic interference effects on aerostatic coefficients of twin deck bridges

Zhiwen LIU , Zhengqing CHEN , Gao LIU , Xinpeng SHAO ,

《结构与土木工程前沿(英文)》 2009年 第3卷 第3期   页码 292-298 doi: 10.1007/s11709-009-0048-8

摘要: The aerodynamic interference effects on aerostatic coefficients of twin deck bridges with large span were investigated in detail by means of wind tunnel test. The distances between the twin decks and wind attack angles were changed during the wind tunnel test to study the effects on aerodynamic interferences of aerostatic coefficients of twin decks. The research results have shown that the drag coefficients of the leeward deck are much smaller than that of a single leeward deck. The drag coefficients of a windward deck decrease slightly compared with that of a single deck. The lift and torque coefficients of windward and leeward decks are also affected slightly by the aerodynamic interference of twin decks. And the aerodynamic interference effects on lift and torque coefficients of twin decks can be neglected.

关键词: twin decks     aerodynamic interference effects     aerostatic coefficients     wind tunnel test    

Calculations of narrow-band transimissities and the Planck mean absorption coefficients of real gases

Huaqiang CHU, Mingyan GU, Huaichun ZHOU, Fengshan LIU

《能源前沿(英文)》 2014年 第8卷 第1期   页码 41-48 doi: 10.1007/s11708-013-0292-4

摘要: Narrow-band transmissivities in the spectral range of 150 to 9300 cm and at a uniform resolution of 25 cm were calculated using the statistical narrow-band (SNB) model with the band parameters of Soufiani and Taine, the more recent parameters of André and Vaillon, and the line-by-line (LBL) method along with the HITEMP-2010 spectroscopic database. Calculations of narrow-band transmissivity were conducted for gas columns of different lengths and containing different isothermal and non-isothermal CO -H O-N mixtures at 1 atm. Narrow-band transmissivities calculated by the SNB model are in large relative error at many bands. The more recent SNB model parameters of André and Vaillon are more accurate than the earlier parameters of Soufiani and Taine. The Planck mean absorption coefficients of CO , H O, CO, and CH in the temperature range of 300 to 2500 K were calculated using the LBL method and different versions of the high resolution transmission (HITRAN) and high-temperature spectroscopic absorption parameters (HITEMP) spectroscopic databases. The SNB model was also used to calculate the Planck mean absorption coefficients of these four radiating gases. The LBL results of the Planck mean absorption coefficient were compared with the classical results of Tien and those from the SNB model.

关键词: transimissity     HITEMP     HITRAN     Planck mean absorption coefficients    

Local resistance of fluid flow across sudden contraction in small channels

Hang GUO, Ling WANG, Jian YU, Fang YE, Chongfang MA, Zhuo LI,

《能源前沿(英文)》 2010年 第4卷 第2期   页码 149-154 doi: 10.1007/s11708-009-0060-7

摘要: The pressure drop caused by flow area contraction in microchannels has been experimentally studied in this paper using the tiny gap pressure measurement method. The working fluid was deionized water at room temperature at near-atmospheric pressure. Three test sections with area ratios of 0.284 and 0.274 and at different tube diameter sizes were used. The experimental results show that the abrupt contraction coefficient decreases with the Reynolds number increasing, and it is much higher than that of conventional tubes in laminar flow. The widely-applied correlation =0.5(1−) could not predict the contraction coefficient of turbulent flow in the micro tubes. The decreases as the tube diameter increases. The transition from laminar to turbulent flow is not obvious when the diameter of the small tube is 0.32mm.

关键词: microchannels     pressure drop     abrupt contraction     loss coefficients    



《中国工程科学》 2008年 第10卷 第10期   页码 31-35



关键词: 压力容器     分析设计     应力分类     等效线性化方法    



《中国工程科学》 2001年 第3卷 第8期   页码 29-32



关键词: 微分静摩擦系数     微牛纳牛静摩擦系数     表观静摩擦系数     宏观静摩擦系数    

Measurement of activity coefficients at infinite dilution for hydrocarbons in imidazolium-based ionic

ZHU Jiqin, YU Yanmei, CHEN Jian, FEI Weiyang

《化学科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2007年 第1卷 第2期   页码 190-194 doi: 10.1007/s11705-007-0035-3

摘要: The separations of olefin/paraffin, aromatic/aliphatic hydrocarbons or olefin isomers using ionic liquids instead of volatile solvents have interested many researchers. Activity coefficients γ at infinite dilution of a solute in ionic liquid are generally used in the selection of solvents for extraction or extractive distillation. In fact, the measurement of γ by gas-liquid chromatography is a speedy and cost-saving method. Activity coefficients at infinite dilution of hydrocarbon solutes, such as alkanes, hexenes, alkylbenzenes, styrene, in 1-allyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate ([AMIM][BF]) and 1-butyl-3-methyl imidazolium hexafluorophosphate ([BMIM][PF6]), 1-isobutenyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate ([MPMIM][BF]) and [MPMIM][BF]-AgBF have been determined by gas-liquid chromatography using ionic liquids as stationary phase. The measurements were carried out at different temperatures from 298 to 318 K. The separating effects of these ionic liquids for alkanes/hexane, aliphatic hydrocarbons/benzene and hexene isomers have been discussed. The hydrophobic parameter, dipole element, frontier molecular orbital energy gap and hydration energy of these hydrocarbons were calculated with the PM3 semi-empirical quantum chemistry method. The quantitative relations among the computed structure parameters and activity coefficients at infinite dilution were also developed. The experimental activity coefficient data are consistent with the correlated and predicted results using QSPR models.

关键词: cost-saving     consistent     coefficient     measurement     separating    

Effect of friction coefficients on the dynamic response of gear systems

Lingli JIANG, Zhenyong DENG, Fengshou GU, Andrew D. BALL, Xuejun LI

《机械工程前沿(英文)》 2017年 第12卷 第3期   页码 397-405 doi: 10.1007/s11465-017-0415-4


The inevitable deterioration of the lubrication conditions in a gearbox in service can change the tribological properties of the meshing teeth. In turn, such changes can significantly affect the dynamic responses and running status of gear systems. This paper investigates such an effect by utilizing virtual prototype technology to model and simulate the dynamics of a wind turbine gearbox system. The change in the lubrication conditions is modeled by the changes in the friction coefficients, thereby indicating that poor lubrication causes not only increased frictional losses but also significant changes in the dynamic responses. These results are further demonstrated by the mean and root mean square values calculated by the simulated responses under different friction coefficients. In addition, the spectrum exhibits significant changes in the first, second, and third harmonics of the meshing components. The findings and simulation method of this study provide theoretical bases for the development of accurate diagnostic techniques.

关键词: dynamic response     friction coefficient     wind loads     wind turbine gearbox    



《中国工程科学》 2001年 第3卷 第3期   页码 56-60


用最小Gibbs 能曲线积分的正面积最大方法(AM)进行相平衡的计算和预测,可以比传统的闪蒸计算法更好地计算高压下和近临界区的相平衡组成。但是这一方法由于使用了在全组成范围的"穷举"方法搜索最大正面积对应的相平衡组成,使得收敛速度慢,计算和搜索时间过长;将其修改成多次局部面积搜索法(LSAM),极大提高了收敛速度和减少了计算时间,并利用所测定的苯与丙烯高压平衡数据对其进行了有效性检验。

关键词: 吉布斯能     高压汽液平衡     相平衡计算方法         丙烯    

URANS simulation of the turbulent flow in tight lattice bundle

Yiqi YU, Yanhua YANG

《能源前沿(英文)》 2011年 第5卷 第4期   页码 404-411 doi: 10.1007/s11708-011-0165-7

摘要: The flow structure in tight lattice is still of great interest to nuclear industry. An accurate prediction of flow parameter in subchannels of tight lattice is likable. Unsteady Reynolds averaged Navier Stokes (URANS) is a promising approach to achieve this goal. The implementation of URANS approach will be validated by comparing computational results with the experimental data of Krauss. In this paper, the turbulent flow with different Reynolds number (5000–215000) and different pitch-to-diameter( / ) (1.005–1.2) are simulated with computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code CFX12. The effects of the Reynolds number and the bundle geometry ( / ) on wall shear stress, turbulent kinetic energy, turbulent mixing and large scale coherent structure in tight lattice are analyzed in details. It is hoped that the present work will contribute to the understanding of these important flow phenomena and facilitate the prediction and design of rod bundles.

关键词: tight rod bundle     flow structure     unsteady Reynolds averaged Navier Stokes (URANS)    

Smart model for accurate estimation of solar radiation


《能源前沿(英文)》 2020年 第14卷 第2期   页码 383-399 doi: 10.1007/s11708-017-0505-3

摘要: Prediction of solar radiation has drawn increasing attention in the recent years. This is because of the lack of solar radiation measurement stations. In the present work, 14 solar radiation models have been used to assess monthly global solar radiation on a horizontal surface as function of three parameters: extraterrestrial solar irradiance ( ), duration sunshine ( ) and daylight hours ( ). Since it has been observed that each model is adequate for some months of the year, one model cannot be used for the prediction of the whole year. Therefore, a smart hybrid system is proposed which selects, based on the intelligent rules, the most suitable prediction model of the 14 models listed in this study. For the test and evaluation of the proposed models, Tamanrasset city, which is located in the south of Algeria, is selected for this study. The meteorological data sets of five years (2000–2004) have been collected from the Algerian National Office of Meteorology (NOM), and two spatial databases. The results indicate that the new hybrid model is capable of predicting the monthly global solar radiation, which offers an excellent measuring accuracy of values ranging from 93% to 97% in this location.

关键词: global solar radiation     statistical indicator     hybrid model     spatial database     correlation coefficients    

Can floor-area-ratio incentive promote low impact development in a highly urbanized area?

Ming Cheng, Huapeng Qin, Kangmao He, Hongliang Xu

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2018年 第12卷 第2期 doi: 10.1007/s11783-017-1002-y

摘要: As an environmental friendly measure for surface runoff reduction, low impact development (LID) has been applied successfully in urban areas. However, due to high price of land and additional expense for LID construction in highly urbanized areas, the developers of real estate would not like to proceed LID exploitation. Floor area ratio (FAR) refers to “the ratio of a building’s total floor area to the size of the piece of land upon which it is built.” Increasing FAR indicates that the developers can construct higher buildings and earn more money. By means of awarding FAR, the developers may be willing to practice LID construction. In this study, a new residential district is selected as a case study to analyze the trade-off between the runoff reduction goal achieving by LID practices and the incentive of awarding FAR to promote LID construction. The System for Urban Stormwater Treatment and Analysis IntegratioN (SUSTAIN) model is applied to simulate the runoff reduction under various LID designs and then derive the Pareto-optimal solutions to achieve urban runoff reduction goals based on cost efficiency. The results indicates that the maximum surface runoff reduction is 20.5%. Under the extremity scenarios, the government has options to award FAR of 0.028, 0.038 and 0.047 and the net benefits developers gain are 0 CNY, one million CNY and two million CNY, respectively. The results provide a LID construction guideline related to awarding FAR, which supports incentive policy making for promoting LID practices in the highly urbanized areas.

关键词: Low impact development     Runoff reduction     Incentive     Floor area ratio     SUSTAIN(System for Urban Stormwater Treatment and Analysis IntegratioN)    

Numerical multi-physical optimization of operating condition and current collecting setup for large-area

《能源前沿(英文)》 2024年 第18卷 第3期   页码 356-368 doi: 10.1007/s11708-023-0919-z

摘要: Due to the depletion of traditional fossil fuels and the aggravation of related environmental problems, hydrogen energy is gaining more attention all over the world. Solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) is a promising power generation technology operating on hydrogen with a high efficiency. To further boost the power output of a single cell and thus a single stack, increasing the cell area is an effective route. However, it was recently found that further increasing the effective area of an SOFC single cell with a flat-tubular structure and symmetric double-sided cathodes would result in a lower areal performance. In this work, a multi-physical model is built to study the effect of the effective area on the cell performance. The distribution of different physical fields is systematically analyzed. Optimization of the cell performance is also pursued by systematically tuning the cell operating condition and the current collection setup. An improvement of 42% is revealed by modifying the inlet gas flow rates and by enhancing the current collection. In the future, optimization of cell geometry will be performed to improve the homogeneity of different physical fields and thus to improve the stability of the cell.

关键词: solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC)     large effective area     flow rate     discharge performance     current collection    

Deviation correction strategy for the earth pressure balance shield based on shield–soil interactions

《机械工程前沿(英文)》 2022年 第17卷 第2期 doi: 10.1007/s11465-022-0676-4

摘要: The control system presently used in shield posture rectification is based on driver experience, which is marginally reliable. The study of the related theory is flawed. Therefore, a decision-making approach for the deviation correction trajectory and posture rectification load for an earth pressure balance (EPB) shield is proposed. A calculation model of posture rectification load of an EPB shield is developed by considering the interactions among the cutter head, shield shell, and ground. The additional position change during the shield attitude correction is highlighted. The posture rectification loads and shield behaviors results can be solved by the proposed method. The influences of the stratum distribution (i.e., bedrock height in the upper-soft and lower-hard strata) on shield behaviors and posture rectification loads are analyzed. Results indicated that the increase of pitch angle in the upper-soft and lower-hard strata causes a sharp rise in vertical displacement. The bedrock height increases the magnitudes of the required posture rectification moments when hr/D > 0.5. For a tunnel with hr/D ≤ 0.5, the variation of hr/D has little effect on the posture rectification moments. Finally, the posture rectifying curves based on the theoretical model are compared with the target ones based on the double circular arc interpolation method. The required results can be obtained regardless of the soil–rock compound stratum distribution. The maximum rectification moment in the rock layer is almost 12.6 times that in the soil layer. Overall, this study provides a valuable reference for moment determination and the trajectory prediction of posture rectification in compound strata.

关键词: additional position change     deviation correction trajectory     earth pressure balance shield     mechanical model     posture rectification    

标题 作者 时间 类型 操作

Wind tunnel test study on the wind pressure coefficient of claddings of high-rise buildings

Yong QUAN, Yi LIANG, Fei WANG, Ming GU


Numerical analysis of aerodynamic noise radiated from cross flow fan

CHEN Anbang, LI Song, HUANG Dongtao


Experimental study of aerodynamic interference effects on aerostatic coefficients of twin deck bridges

Zhiwen LIU , Zhengqing CHEN , Gao LIU , Xinpeng SHAO ,


Calculations of narrow-band transimissities and the Planck mean absorption coefficients of real gases

Huaqiang CHU, Mingyan GU, Huaichun ZHOU, Fengshan LIU


Local resistance of fluid flow across sudden contraction in small channels

Hang GUO, Ling WANG, Jian YU, Fang YE, Chongfang MA, Zhuo LI,








Measurement of activity coefficients at infinite dilution for hydrocarbons in imidazolium-based ionic

ZHU Jiqin, YU Yanmei, CHEN Jian, FEI Weiyang


Effect of friction coefficients on the dynamic response of gear systems

Lingli JIANG, Zhenyong DENG, Fengshou GU, Andrew D. BALL, Xuejun LI





URANS simulation of the turbulent flow in tight lattice bundle

Yiqi YU, Yanhua YANG


Smart model for accurate estimation of solar radiation



Can floor-area-ratio incentive promote low impact development in a highly urbanized area?

Ming Cheng, Huapeng Qin, Kangmao He, Hongliang Xu


Numerical multi-physical optimization of operating condition and current collecting setup for large-area


Deviation correction strategy for the earth pressure balance shield based on shield–soil interactions
